Code 555 Technologies and Products
Current Technology Developments
IceCube ESTO In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies (InVEST) Project
Lead sub-mm wave radiometer development for cubesats.
Wideband Instrument for Snow Measurements (WISM) ESTO IIP
Lead radiometer (X, Ku, Ka bands) development and deployment for
terrestrial snow measurement.
Signals of Opportunity Airborne Demonstrator (SoOp-AD) ESTO IIP
Lead radiometer development (P-band) and deployment to demonstrate
reflectometry technique to retrieve root-zone soil moisture.
Ecosystem Synthetic Aperture Radar (EcoSAR) Earth Science Technology
Office (ESTO) Instrument Incubator Project (IIP)
Lead P-band SAR development and deployment for biomass science.
HyMAS (Hyperspectral Microwave Atmospheric Sounder) ESTO Advance Component
Technology (ACT) Project
Lead G-band radiometer development for hyperspectral atmospheric